When did TikTok become so popular among GenZ?

Not quite sure when did TikTok become so popular among Gen Z? Or why it is more popular than other apps?
Well the app, TikTok was available in 2018 august. After it emerged with another well-known
and most frequently used an app called musical.ly and since then it has started to gain popularity.
It is most popular among Gen Z as they scroll through the, for you page for hours without
getting tired. Well, how can one get tired of scrolling the short clips which are mostly to watch
and give one’s body enough dopamine for the day is?

When did TikTok become so popular among Gen Z?
Well, you ask when did TikTok become so popular among Gen Z and why?
It is mostly because of an everyday hectic schedule that makes one get exhausted and require
some mental peace which is hard to find with the little amount of time left after coming back
from the educational institutions and after completing the homework and assignments.
So for relieving stress and to get fresh, most of our today’s generation open this app and scroll
the clips, they find on the, “for you page”. It is easy and convenient for them as they can sit in
their room or anywhere in their house and scroll through the clip they find and have interest in.
We can say it helps them to relieve stress and cool off after the very exhausting day they have
When did TikTok become so popular after its launch?
The app, TikTok become so popular among Gen Z in the year 2019. A year after its emergence
with the previous app, musical.ly. It mostly got its popularity due to different trends made by
people and due to its, for your page because of which people of different ages would easily find
the content they like to watch and due to its algorithm which only shows the content people
have interest in and the one they mostly watch.

To this day there are billions of TikTok users. It has never once lost its popularity even after
being banned from US and India. Even in that period, a lot of users joined TikTok. Which never
tends to decrease the download rate of the app TikTok.
When did TikTok become so popular for gaining popularity?
TikTok has always been a social media platform that makes every individual gain popularity
within days or hours depending on what type of videos they post.
Most people state that TikTok is a place where can they post videos that they were not able to
post elsewhere. It is one of the answers, which answers when did TikTok become so popular for
gaining popularity.

When did TikTok become so popular for making people addicted?
It is well-known that TikTok become so popular for making at least half of the world population
addicted it to due to its content and algorithm which tracks the likings of people and makes
sure that more videos like that appear on the users for your page.
Most it is Gen Z who is addicted to this app. Well, who wouldn’t be addicted to such an amazing
app? Which provides you the clips of the stuff you like watching. Having this app around
yourself does not leave you behind in every day’s ongoing trends. When did TikTok become so
popular for making people addicted is it the best answer to this very question?